Love Actually
filming locations (2003)
Riviera Locations:
Farmhouse on Chemin du Roucas Troucas, Vidauban, Var, France
(exterior of house in South of France)
Director : Stanley Donen
Cast : Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth
Genre : Comedy • Runtime : 135 min • Production year : 2003
Rating : 15 • Distributed by 20th Century Fox

When Jamie's (Colin Firth) brother sleeps with his girlfriend, Firth decides to up sticks and disappear to a retreat in rural Portugal with nothing but a typewriter for company. These scenes were actually filmed in the Var region of the Cote d'Azur, just south of the small town of Vidauban, one hour north of St Tropez and Frejus. The house itself came on the market in 2010, with the four bedroom property selling for a whopping £750,000. The listing read: "On the ground floor there is a beautiful salon opening on to a terrace with views over a private lake. The kitchen also opens onto a barbecue area on the terrace. The film Love Actually was partly filmed at this superb property".

Then and Now

Chemin du Roucas Troucas, Vidauban GPS: 43.407364, 6.462864